Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Merry Christmas

"Hold your own, Know your name...And go your own way..."

I haven't written in here with any sort of consistency in the recent weeks, or even months, and I could credit that on many reasons, but regardless, I apologize. I will make a very solid attempt to update more often, I'll find time, or I'll make time.

It's Christmas Day, so I should first start off by saying Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope everyone can take some time and think about what they are really thankful for this holiday season. There is plenty to be thankful for, if you think you have nothing, take a moment and really think about it, I'm sure you're overlooking something.

I'm thankful for all the great opportunities I have come across in my life. It has been an interesting ride so far in my life, and I'm excited to be healthy and able to live and experiance my life everyday, the way that I want to.

What are you thankful for? I'd love to hear. Let me know, shoot me a comment, email (my15offame@gmail.com) and I promise, I'll get back to you.

Hit me up on twitter too if you wish, Chris_Keller.

May everyone have a wonderful Christmas.

God Bless,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If Today Shoudl Start WIthout Me...

"If tomorrow starts without me, And I'm not there to see, If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today, While thinking of the many things, we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me,as much as I love you, And each time that you think of me,I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, Please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready,in heaven far above,and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye.. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all that we shared, and all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, just even for a while, I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized, That this could never be, For emptiness and memories, Would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss some tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, My heart was filled with sorrow. I promise no tomorrow, But today will always last, And since each day is the same way, There's no longing for the past. So when tomorrow starts without me, Don't think we're far apart, For every time you think of me,I'm right here, in your heart"

I miss my uncle.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If you were with me tonight, I'd sing for you just one more time...

"It well may be, that we will never meet again in this lifetime. So let me say before we part, so much of me is made from what I've learned from you. You'll be with me, like a hand print on my heart."

It's been quite a while since I've written in here, well not really that long, I just haven't found to much time to get around to updating. My apologies.

I just returned back to my apartment in Downtown Milwaukee, WI from a weekend trip back home, to honor my Uncle at a memorial in his honor as he just recently passed away. He was my godfather, and was an overall great man. He will be missed by many.

I've been kinda bummed out about it, not questioning why, but just overall bummed. I needed him in my life, more than he ever knew. I always talk about inspiration, well, he was my inspiration for college, and it's going to be difficult to continue knowing he won't be at my graduation.

Come on Chris, Everything will be fine...

I guess I just miss him, that's all.

It's difficult to accept a lot of things in life, as they my be seemed as unfair, but there are four things to keep in mind...


1) Whoever comes are the right people
2) Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
3) Whenever it starts is the right time
4) When it's over, it's over.

Always keep faith, in the end, its really one of the few things that we truly own.

Much Love,

p.s. Follow me on twitter, and follow my blog. I'll do the same, I promise.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Definition of Perfection

In today's episode Chris will respond to a fellow blogger's post that he read earlier. Pretty inspiring stuff. That's the key.

Hello All,

I read an interesting entry to someones blog that I stumbled upon earlier this afternoon. It has to do with uncertainty, confusion and perfection.

A lot of people worry about things that are uncertain, I on the other hand try (I try my best, this is sometimes not possible at all) think that that's what makes the best part of life. If someone told youe that you could have the rest of your life planned out, day by day, hour by hour, knowing how everything was going to play out, would you want that? I know for a fact that I wouldn't. I think it's important to keep the uncertainty factor in your life, not only will it make you work harder in some things, but it keeps things very interesting to say the least :)

Everyone always talks about finding the perfect person. Everyone would love to be able to say, this person is perfect. But what is perfect? I guess I think of it a little differently (what eles is new haha). The perfect person for you is NOT perfect for anyone else, actually, they could be the worse thing for everyone else in the world. But for you, there perfect. It all depends on what your definition of perfection is. Everyone has a person out there that they can look at and say, wow...theu're just perfect. It's all about what your definition of perfection is.

I didn't have to much to say this afternoon, but I just wanted to comment on that because I thought it was interesting when I read that blog earlier.

Jazz in the park tonight, working it like usual. Follow me on twitter as I'll be updating from there tonight! If you're in the Downtown Milwaukee area, stop by the park, it'll be a great show tonight!


Tonight we have Bonerama performing on stage. A nationally recognized and critically acclaimed New Orleans' band, Bonerama, is something different. They're not a traditional brass band, but they've got brass to spare-even with no trumpets or saxes in sight. With Bonerma's four-trombone frontline, you can guess it's not quite like any rock 'n' roll band you've seen. They can evoke vintage funk, classic rock and free improvisation in the same set; maybe even the same song.

If you're coming, I'll see you at the park! If not, get at me on twitter or drop me an email (my15offame@gmail.com)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Own Transition...

Hello. I'm new. Well, new to blogger.com, but not new to the whole concept of blogging. Although, I never got to many hits on my previous blog, so I stopped writing for a while. There were a few other underlying aspects as to the reason for the decline of my writing, but those are some stories for a different day.

I'm Chris. I'm a normal everyday person, just like you. And that's what makes this most enjoyable for me, the connection that I can obtain through this, with all of you. It's quite exciting and interesting to me. There are so many people out there who are willing to share their voices, and I love the avenue that we all take to do it.

I'm a Student, an Athlete, a Boyfriend, an Intern, an employee, a tenant, and a founder. I like to keep myself busy.

Let's start there, what I am.

Student-- I go to college and I have completed 2 years so far. I try my best to look at it like that, not that I still have 2 years left. Glass half full approach.

Athlete-- I am a College Ice Hockey player. I've worked for my entire life to achieve this, and I'm very proud that I was able to. It also helps that it's paying for a lot of my school, my parents loved that.

Intern-- I'm a Marketing Intern for a steel stamping plant. It helps pay the bills.

Employee-- I work at my Rink during the school year. I also work for Express in the mall. Yeeeeeah, it's retail but again, it helps pay my rent. My favorite job that I currently have is my job with the East Town Association working their summer festivals during the season.

Founder-- I started an organization, or I should call it a movement. It is currently going through a little bit of a name change as there was a conflict, but the name of it's not even necessary. It is a movement to share love throughout the world. That's what is missing from it, and a world without love is a world that I don't want any part of.

Love inspires me...Let this inspire you...Here are a couple of videos that I found inspiring.

Free Hugs Campaign

Hey Jude

Check those out...Get Inspired

As you may notice sometimes, I'll have very different emotions or feelings throughout my entries, it's not because I'm emo, or bipolar, it's because sometimes it takes me a couple days to churn out an entry. I'll just leave it open on my computer and when I get some time, I add to it, and hopefully at the end of the day can produce something worth reading.

And that's what I hope for, something that you'll enjoy reading, because at the end of the day if you can find something that you enjoy reading and can relate to, then its been a great day.

That's all for me for now, I must be off to finish the multitude of homework that I have for my summer classes. I'll be back shortly, no worries.

With as much love as I can offer,

p.s. Follow me on Twitter