Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Lack of Creativity....

What is creativity? Who is creative? defines creativity as the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, ect.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination. What does that mean to me or translate to me? I don’t have a clue.

It’s been a while since I’ve written on here, but I felt it necessary to start up again, not only for the reason that I thought this would be a good avenue for my Creative Thinking assignments, but it makes me feel good about, well…things.

A lot has happened since I last updated, but I can update you on that at a different time. As for right now, I must stick to my topic…Creativity. Please bare with me I tend to have quite a few thoughts processing through my mind at the same time, so I have a knack for straying from my topic, which I’m doing now. Why don’t we start with a simple question and answer session, like a press conference if you will. The names of these people have been changed to protect their sanity. Let’s use actors/actresses; I’m in that kind of mood.

Me: I’d like to take a minute and welcome all of you to our open forum on creativity. I welcome all of your questions and while I am no expert in the field, I may have a few interesting things to say regarding the topic. Let’s start with the young lady to the right.

Megan Fox: How do you define creativity?

Me: How did I know this would be the first question! I don’t have a distinct definition of creativity. But if I had to have a definition, I would add a few different key words such as flow, passion, belief, love ect. I’m pretty confident I could add a few more words to that list, but I don’t want to bore you to sleep. Creativity can come into form many different ways through many different avenues; it’s up to you to decide how and when to use yours.

Clint Eastwood: Do you consider yourself a creative person?
Me: I would hope so. I can write, although people may not consider it good. I can write music/songs, and they may not be chart toppers. I can write poetry, but I don’t think I’m going to be published in the near future. If that makes me creative, then yes….I’m creative. But what I feel differentiates myself in the creativity department is that I have a vision of how I want my world to be. It’s a rather simple world, but creative in the same respect. If I can achieve my world, and spread that a little bit into our world, I think we could do some big things.

Brad Pitt: How can you group like creative ideas together through the creative process?

Sometimes it’s good to group ideas together and sometimes it’s better to just write and see where you go. What’s my creative process? Write till I feel like stopping, I don’t go back and edit. I just do.

Rachael Ray: How do you overcome obstacles that stifle the creativity?

Me: Ignore them. It’s not easy but through my experiences I’ve developed a rather strong mental capacity to focus. I can write where ever, whenever. It took a while, but it’s something I can do. Let’s call it, muscle memory. I’d like to take a minute and thank you for all the questions, I’ve got a few other things to get to, but please don’t go far, I’m sure we’ll have another one of these shortly.
As I wrap this up, I’ll leave you with 2 things…One being a quote and the other…we’ll call my “final thought,” Jerry Springer-esk.

Sometimes it's tough without really looking deep inside yourself to find really what you have to offer to this world. All you may really want is to just be the best person you can be. Rough times come and they will go...The key to rebounding from them is to just keep your head up, believe in what you feel is right...and if you have to...lean on someone to help you get through it. It's never a bad thing to ask for help...Everyone in this world needs help sometimes.

Change is not impossible...But with that's nowhere near easy. If you don't like who you are...or who you’re becoming...A change must be made. I can't sit here and tell you what you have to change...that’s something for you to figure out. But it can all start from doing what makes you happy...with the'll be happy with yourself.

“I wake up to find its another 4 aspirin morning, and I dive in. I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday, when did society decide that we had to change and wash a tee shirt after every individual use? If it’s not dirty, I’m gunna wear it. I take the stairs to the car and there’s fog on the windows. I need caffeine in my blood stream; I take caffeine in my blood stream. I grip the wheel and all at once I realize…My life has become a boring pop song and everyone’s singing along.”

I’ll leave you with that, take it as you may.

Always keep faith, in the end, it’s really one of the few things we truly own….

Much Love,